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电 话: | 010-82178126 |
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电子邮件: | huyonghong@aircas.ac.cn |
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2006. 09 – 2010. 06 中国科学院大气物理研究所 大气物理与大气环境专业 博士学位
2003. 09 – 2006. 06 中国科学院华南植物园 生态学专业 硕士学位
1999. 09 – 2003. 06 河南师范大学 生物科学专业 学士学位
2020. 12 – 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 副研究员
2019. 07 – 2020. 11 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 助理研究员
2010. 07 – 2019. 06 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所 助理研究员
2011. 01 – 2016. 03 中科院A类战略性先导科技专项“应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题”子课题“城市化和热岛的遥感监测” 子课题负责人
2015. 01 – 2017. 12 国家自然科学基金青年项目“晴空下环渤海地区城市化增温效应的热红外遥感研究” 课题负责人
2018. 01 – 2022. 12 中科院A类战略性先导专项“地球大数据科学工程”子课题“CASEarth小卫星地面定标技术 ” 专题负责人
2018. 12 – 2021. 11 国家重点研发计划“火箭平流层气象观测系统研制”课题“臭氧探测数据的分析与研究” 骨干参与人
2018. 01 – 2022. 12 中科院A类战略性先导专项子课题委托项目“一带一路地表温度气候序列研制与温度和热浪回顾 ” 项目负责人
1Yan, L., Hu, Y*., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Dou, C., Li, J., Si, Y., & Zhang, L. 2021. Radiometric Calibration Evaluation for FY3D MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Channels at Lake Qinghai. Remote Sensing, 13(3):466.(通讯作者)
2Hu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yan, L., Li, X., Dou, C., Jia, G., Si, Y., & Zhang, L. 2020. Evaluation of the Radiometric Calibration of FY4A-AGRI Thermal Infrared Data Using Lake Qinghai. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3037828
3Hou, M., Venäläinen, A.K., Wang, L., Pirinen, P., Gao, Y., Jin, S., Zhu, Y., Qin, F., & Hu, Y. 2020. Spatio-temporal divergence in the responses of Finland’s boreal forests to climate variables. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 92, 102186
4Ai, J., Xiao, S., Feng, H., Wang, H., Jia, G., & Hu, Y. 2020. A global terrestrial ecosystem respiration dataset (2001-2010) estimated with MODIS land surface temperature and vegetation indices. Big earth data, 4, 142-152
5Hu, Y.; Hou, M.; Jia, G. et al, 2019. Comparison of surface and canopy urban heat islands within megacities of eastern China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 156:160-168.
6Hu, Y., Hou, M., Zhao, C., et al, 2019. Human-induced changes of surface albedo in Northern China from 1992- 2012. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 79:184-191.
7Liu, Y.; Feng, J.; Yang, Z.; Hu, Y.; Li, J. 2019. Gridded Statistical Downscaling Based on Interpolation of Parameters and Predictor Locations for Summer Daily Precipitation in North China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 58(10):2295-2311.
8Shi, Z., Jia G., Hu, Y, and Zhou, Y. 2019. The contribution of intensified urbanization effects on surface warming trends in China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 138:1125-1137.
9Ai, J., Jia G., Epstein, Howard E., Wang, H., Zhang, A., and Hu Y. 2018. MODIS‐based estimates of global terrestrial ecosystem respiration. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences.123(2): 326-352.
10Liu, R., Han, Z., WU, J., Hu Y., and Li, J. 2017. The impacts of urban surface characteristics on radiation balance and meteorological variables in the boundary layer around Beijing in summertime. Atmospheric Research 197: 167-176.
11Xu, R, Hu Y., Gao H., and Pan Z. 2017. Derivation of fractional urban signals in better capturing urbanization process. Environmental Earth Sciences 76:412.
12Zhang, X., Hu, Y*, Jia, G., et al, 2017. Land surface temperature shaped by urban fractions in megacity region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 127(3):965-975. (通讯作者)
13Lin, S., Feng, J.M., Wang, J., Hu, Y.H., 2016. Modeling the contribution of long‐term urbanization to temperature increase in three extensive urban agglomerations in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121(4):1683-1697.
14Hu, Y., Jia, G., and John V., et al, 2016. Assessing surface albedo change and its induced radiation budget under rapid urbanization with Landsat and GLASS Data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 123(3):711-722.
15Hu, Y., Jia, G., Hou, M., et al, 2015. The cumulative effect of urban expansion on land surface temperature in metropolitan Jing-Jin-Tang, China. Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres. 120(19):9932–9943.
16Hu, Y., Hou, M., and Jia, G., 2015. Comparison of three different methods to identify fractional urban signals for improving climate modeling. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(12):3274-3292.
17Hu, Y., Jia G. Christine Pohlc, et al, 2015. Improved monitoring of urbanization processes in China for regional climate impact assessment, Environmental Earth Sciences.73(12):8387-8404.
18Jia, G., Xu R., Hu Y., and He Y. 2015. Multi-scale remote sensing estimates of urban fractions for regional models. Climate Change. 129(3-4):543-554.