DataBank is an intelligent data service platform for providing not only Ready-To-Use (RTU) products from multi-source satellite data, but also Big Earth Data analysis methods and massive computing resources. RTU products are a kind of satellite data product already processed for application analysis, featuring radiation normalization, geometry standardization, and global gridding.
DataBank is based on a "Platform as Sharing / Platform as a Service" design and brings innovation to Earth observation data sharing, from the simple schema of Earth observation data downloading to a new era of sharing data, algorithms, as well as computing power together. It is composed of three engines: data engine, computation engine, and visualization engine. 
Data engine defines a global grid specification for Earth observation data to address time-series big data management. By adopting database clustering technology and an object-oriented storage system, this engine realizes efficient metadata management and global RTU data storage and access. It supports high concurrent reading and writing of remote sensing images, and gives users real-time online retrieval of remote sensing data.
Computation engine provides a parallel computing environment and a rich library of algorithm resources. By providing efficient cluster resource management and task scheduling mechanisms, it supports big data service demands, including instant computing and online and offline analysis. For primary users, industrial users, and scientific users, this engine provides different levels of Earth observation data analysis and information mining services, making the service easy to use or flexible to adapt complex applications.
Visualization engine mainly provides an interactive online development environment, data visualization, and analysis tools. By integrating map service technology, it provides interactive display functions for geospatial data and time-series display of multidimensional Earth observation data. For primary users, industrial users, and scientific users, different levels of tools are available for data visualization, programming, and analysis visualization.
For more information visit the DataBank.