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电  话: 010-82178198
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电子邮件: chenfl@aircas.ac.cn



2003.09 – 2008.06 中国科学院研究生院/中国科学院遥感应用研究所 地图学与地理信息系统 理学博士学位
1999.09 – 2003. 07 武汉大学 摄影测量与遥感 工学学位


2020.03 – 至今 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 研究员
2012.09 – 2020.02 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所 研究员
2011.08 – 2012.12  香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所   副研究员
2008. 07 – 2011.07  香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所   博士后研究员


2018.01 – 2021.12  国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向文化遗产异常形变监测与评估的双尺度星载雷达干涉方法研究” 项目负责人
2018.01 – 2022.12   中科院A类先导专项子课题“文化遗产保护影响要素动态观测与评估”  子课题负责人
2019.08 – 2020.12  北京市科技计划重点课题“中国大运河(北京段)文化遗产遥感监测系统平台研发”   课题负责人;
2019.08 – 2022.07  国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“星载雷达干涉非侵入式文化遗产脆弱性监测与评估”  项目负责人


2014.01         中国科学院“百人计划”
2017.11         测绘科技进步二等奖       排名第1
2020.10         测绘科技进步一等奖       排名第4


[1]Chen F.L., Masini N., Liu J., You J., Lasaponara R. Multi-frequency satellite radar imaging of cultural heritage: the case studies of the Yumen Frontier Pass and Niya ruins in the Western Regions of the Silk Road Corridor. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2016, 9 :1224-1241.
[2]Tang P., Chen F.L.*, Zhu X., Zhou W. Monitoring cultural heritage sites with advanced multi-temporal InSAR technique: The case study of the Summer Palace, Remote Sensing, 2016, 8: 432.
[3]Jiang A., Chen F.L.*, Masini N., Capozzoli L., Romano G., Sileo M., Yang R., Tang P., Chen P., Lasaponara R., Liu G., Archeological crop marks identified from Cosmo-SkyMed time series: the case of Han-Wei capital city,Luoyang, China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2017, 10(8):846-860.
[4]Chen F.L., Guo H., Ma P., Lin H., Wang C., Ishwaran N. and Hang P. Radar interferometry offers new insights into threats to the Angkor site. Science Advances, 3: e1601284, 2017.
[5]Chen F.L., Lasaponara R. and Masini N. An Overview of Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing in Archaeology: from site detection to monitoring. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2017, 23: 5-11.
[6]Chen F.L., Wu Y., Zhang Y., Parcharidis I., Ma P., Xiao R., Xu J., Zhou W., Tang P., Foumelis M. Surface motion and structural instability monitoring of Ming Dynasty City Walls by two-step Tomo-PSInSAR approach in Nanjing City, China. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(4): 371.
[7]Zhu X., Chen F.L.*, Guo H. Reconstruction of the Water Cultivation Paleoenvironment Dating Back to the Han and Tang Dynasties Surrounding the Yangguan Frontier Pass Using X- and L-Band SAR Data. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(10):1536.
[8]Tang P., Chen F.L.*, Jiang A., Zhou W., Wang H., Leucci G., Giorgi L., Sileo M., Luo R., Lasaponara R., Masini N. Multi-frequency EMI survey for archaeological prospection: approach and results in Han Hangu Pass and Xishan Yang in China. Surveys in Geophysics, 2018, 39(6): 1285–1302.
[9]Chen F.L., You J., Tang P., Zhou W., Masini N., Lasaponara R. Unique performance of spaceborne SAR remote sensing in cultural heritage applications: overviews and perspectives. Archaeological Prospection, 2018, 25(1): 71-79.
[10]Chen F.L., Guo H., Ishwaran N., Liu J., Wang X., Zhou W., Tang P. Understanding the relationship between the water crisis and sustainability of the Angkor World Heritage site. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 232:111293.
[11]Chen F.L., Zhou W., Chen C., Ma P. Extended D-TomoSAR displacement monitoring for Nanjing (China) city built structure using high-resolution TerraSAR/TanDEM-X and Cosmo SkyMed SAR data. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11: 2623.
[12]Zhou W., Chen F.L.*, Guo H., Hu M., Li Q., Tang P., Zheng W., Liu J., Luo R., Yan K., Li R., Shi P., Nie S. UAV Laser scanning technology: a potential cost-effective tool for micro-topography detection over wooded areas for archaeological prospection. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020, 13:1279-1301.
[13]Chen F.L., Zhou W., Xu H., Parcharidis I., Lin H. and Fang C. Space technology facilitates the preventive monitoring and preservation of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty: a comparative study of the Qingtongxia and Zhangjiakou sections in China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020, 13: 5719-5729.
[14]郭华东,王心源,陈富龙,王成 等. 空间考古学导论, 科学出版社-北京, 2020.





2020、08     何海英
2019、06     王源
2018、06     尤江斌
2017、06     周晓宇